For the launch I have built product pages for most of the artwork that I have or am planning to exhibit currently. This total about 40 pieces. I will continue to populate the shop artwork pages going forward, so stay tuned and you will see more added quite regularly.
I look forward to any comments you may have. Feedback is always appreciated!
You will also notice that I have included a signup form. As I publish new posts on my website, you can be among the first to see them by email by simply signing up. As I point out on the forms themeselves, I don’t plan on doing any regular newsletters or any promotions by email. Don’t worry. I don’t like those either. All it will include is an update to where I might be exhibiting or what’s new with my art practice. I want to paint, not write, so they may be infrequent. I am just happy to have you following my experience in the art world.
Take care,
Maurice Dionne